by Natalie | Dec 3, 2019 | Current Rescue, Tales From A.R.C.H.
For some months ARCH had been in touch with Juan (names changed to protect identities) who was feeding and watering a pretty bay mare. She was tied permanently to a tree and her alleged owner only visited her occasionally so she was always thirsty and hungry. Juan...
by Natalie | Nov 25, 2019 | Current Rescue, Tales From A.R.C.H.
After the annual El Rocio pilgrimage earlier in the year ARCH were asked to take two horses that had been taken by the authorities. The bay mare, Charita, was confiscated having been found to be ill treated, the grey gelding, Colino, had been abandoned. Both spent...
by Jean | Apr 24, 2019 | Current Rescue, Our horses & donkeys
(LUCERO) What a day at the ARCH Horse Rescue Centre brings. Alerted by SEPRONA in Almería and some information from a local vet, a quick team decision was made to take in the horse in question. From there on it was all go to liaise with the authorities, get...
by Jean | Apr 10, 2019 | Current Rescue, Our horses & donkeys, Tales From A.R.C.H.
the two lastest additions to the ARCH family: the superbly named ‘Juanita Banana’ and her mum, ‘Pastora’. Soon there will be a third generation, as JB is expecting ❣ Come and say hello any Sunday morning or during the ARCH Spring Festival on 20...
by Jean | Jan 16, 2019 | Current Rescue, Uncategorized
Arch were asked to assist in the removal of 21 horses/donkeys/mules which were being confiscated by Seprona from a horse dealer in the north of Malaga province.In company with the Refugio del Burrito and Caballos Luna the donkeys, mules, horses and ponies were rescued...