Thank you for your support, we couldn’t exist without your donations.
Every donation we receive, no matter the denomination, goes directly to the equines at ARCH.
With your help we can ensure each rescued horse, donkey and pony receives the treatment and rehabilitation they so desperately need.
ARCH is a non-profit organisation, registered with the Andalusian Regional Government (Junta de Andalucía) with the number 8448.
The most cost efficient way to donate is via direct bank transfer to our bank account, we have both a Spanish and a UK account.
Recurring payments can normally be set up within your banking app should you wish:
Bank Details
If you would like to request our bank account details, please click here and indicate whether you need the Spanish or UK bank details
Bank card online payment
To make an easy online payment we have Donorbox to handle bank card payments for single and recurring contributions. (1.75% reduced payment processing fee for charities)
We are registered as a charity with PayPal and so receive reduced processing fees. (1.99% + $0.49 per transaction)
Our PayPal address is
Or click the following link if you are already logged into Paypal.
We have a teaming account for micro-donations of just €1 per month. We would love it if every one of our supporters in Europe would consider becoming a Teamer as it provides a steady stream of funding and the payment processing is free!. Unfortunately, Teaming is currently not available outside of Europe.
Charity Shop items
We rely on income from our ARCH Charity Shop in Alhaurín el Grande, donations of quality used items can be made by contacting the shop directly.
If you are having a clear out, downsizing or moving, please consider donating good quality items that you no longer need to the ARCH Charity Shop, as they are an invaluable source of funding. Drop off your goods at the shop in Alhaurín el Grande during shop opening hours (Monday – Saturday 10:00 – 14:00) or contact us if you want us to arrange a collection,
Please visit our: ARCH Charity Shop facebook page.
Unfortunately Facebook stopped its support for European country fundraisers – please use one of the other ways provided to support our horses and donkeys.
If you would like to do your own event in aid of ARCH, please contact us in order for us to assess the event to ensure that it fits within our ethos (and calendar if applicable) and in order for us to provide you with the required level of support.
Please request an official logo if you wish to use our logo.
Email us at for more information.
Become A Sponsor
What better way to help us than by sponsoring one of our horses, donkeys or ponies?
Contribute to the maintenance costs of one of our equines and help us forge a new life for our four legged friends. By supporting ARCH with a regular sponsorship you are helping our horses, donkeys and ponies during their recovery you’ll be securing a brighter future for them.
Sponsorship can also be a special gift for a friend or relative by purchasing one of our ARCH Gift Certificates. Please get in touch via our contact form for more information or email
What Your Donation Can Buy.
With a little you can do a lot! The list below is a guide to how your donation will benefit the equine residents of ARCH:
€2 buys a pack of medical cotton gauze
€10 buys horse shampoo
€25 buys a halter & lead rope
€25 buys a sack of hard feed
€50 pays for deworming one horse
€80 pays for a dental revision
Your donations mean we can save more animals! As little as 5€ per month can make such a difference.
The ARCH Equine Wish List
ARCH accepts all new and/or used horse tack, riding clothes & supplies.
A few items on our WISH LIST are:
• Vet wrap (stretchy adhesive bandages)
• Sudocreme
• Hay
• Head collars and lead ropes
• Fly Masks
• Fly Spray
• Shampoo
Thank you so much!
Leaving a Gift in Your Will
You can help us to continue to help equines and prosecute abuse by leaving a gift in your Will.
It is just important that you include the following details to ensure that your gift reaches our charity safely:
Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos (Andalusian Rescue Centre for Horses, ARCH)
CIF G92984368 Asociacion de la Junta de Andalucía 8448.
Apartado 82, Alhaurin el Grande, Malaga 29120
If you have any questions about including ARCH in your Will, please do not hesitate to contact us:
To all our supporters and volunteers we are so very grateful, for without you we could not provide respite to Andalusia’s Equines.
The ARCH Team
Charity registered with Junta de Andalucía
Asociación sin ánimo de lucro
Junta de Andalucía, No. 8448