With so many serious and sad cases coming to the Centre recently it is good to celebrate some of our successes.
Facebook followers may remember the emergency we responded to in December last year in Extremadura. The Guardia Civil and a local vet were involved in a dreadful case of neglect where the owner was suffering from mental illness. There were originally seven horses in an appalling state of starvation, two had already died and ARCH was asked to take the remaining five. It would mean a 11-hour trip there and back to the Centre, but the vet thought we should take the chance because the alternative would be certain death for all.
When our transport arrived the scene was horrific, with another horse just dying. The police had to bring in reinforcements to deal with the owner and the remaining four were finally loaded. We had a nail-biting wait to see whether they would survive the long journey. The three mares and a gelding arrived in darkness near midnight, weak and exhausted.
Our volunteers and vets spent many weeks rehabilitating the unfortunate animals and earlier this year they were all found loving homes. Take a look at the “before” and “after” photographs here to see what can be achieved with dedication and love. Without the support and donations from our supporters we could not continue.
And it never fails to touch our hearts that such abused animals forgive humans for such cruelty and neglect.