This PRE mare came to us in the summer suffering from low-grade laminitis and this, sadly, has worsened over the months. She is suffering from Cushing’s Disease and is on daily medication. Her hormones are complicated by the fact that she is pregnant and. of course, this means she will get heavier on her feet as the foal gets bigger. X-rays of her front hooves showed cause for concern and Rocio has put her into boots with thick gel pads. We have been confining her in our newly built field “stable” on a thick bed of shavings which need to be kept clean. The other day our farrier Jaime cut back her hooves in accordance with the X-rays and she was instantly more comfortable. Now she is allowed out with her friends during the day and goes back in overnight. The picture has not been an optimistic one, but we are all hoping that improvement continues.