This beautiful 23-year-old Palomino stallion was rescued by ARCH in early March, following a raid by SEPRONA on an unscrupulous horse dealer. When he arrived he was extremely malnourished with the obvious problem that he was unable to retract his penis, possibly as a result of traumatic damage. After taking advice from our vet, as well as a team from the Equine Hospital in Cordoba, we decided to let them perform a phallectomy (partial removal of the penis). Without this he will be open to all kinds of infections and cancers.
Torero has spent the last few months chilling out and gaining condition. He has also been castrated. His operation is now booked for early September, and, with transport and professional aftercare, the total cost will be around £2,500. We need to appeal to fellow horse-lovers to help us raise this amount at a time when our “normal” costs (feed, veterinary care etc) are increasing month by month.
Please help us to give Torero a better quality of life. He already has the offer of an adoptive home where he can live out his remaining golden years in safety and comfort after surgery.
You can donate through our Facebook page (Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos) or through the website where there are several options, including bank transfer, bankcard online payment and PayPal.