Piebald filly
Born 2023
Raya was confiscated from her owner at 2 weeks old. She was thin and in danger of dying from malnutrition. Her mother, Nevada, had no milk due to her also emaciated condition. She and her mom were fostered as they both regained their strength. Our filly, Raya, has now returned to ARCH. She is well handled and has a gentle temperament.
Potra pia
Nacida en 2023
Raya fue confiscada a su dueño a las 2 semanas de vida. Estaba delgada y en peligro de muerte por desnutrición. Su madre, Nevada, no tenía leche debido a su estado también demacrado. Ella y su madre fueron acogidas mientras ambas recuperaban fuerzas. Nuestra potra, Raya, ha vuelto a ARCH. Se maneja bien y tiene un temperamento suave.